BEST Garage Yard Tool Rack, Yard Tool Storage Rack, Garden Tool Storage, Garage Storage and Organizer
1Garage Garden/Yard Tool Organizer Rack
We've taken our best selling shed product and transformed it into a great way to organize Yard/Garden Tools in your Garage. This device can be mounted over drywall and ships with 3" fasteners to drive into the studs in your garage space. Designed for speedy installation in your garage and unmatched durability.
** This can also be mounted on face of the studs in your shed.
Check out our product video on Youtube:
24" Stores 5 Yard Tools
36" Stores 7 Yard Tools
Organizes, protect and store your rakes, shovels, brooms, paint poles, pitch forks, power tools, cultivators, etc… We organizes, protect and store your yard and garden tools.
Our product is precision cut from furniture grade birch plywood on a CNC router table, assembled, branded, and sanded.
They are simple to install and look great.
Each device is predrilled for ease of install and ships with fasteners.
"Let us turn your messy spaces into places you can be proud of!"
Our Goal: "To turn your messy spaces into places you can be proud of!"
Our conviction: “If organization is not easy, it won’t get done!”